Monday, June 16th, 2003
Rust Never Sleeps
What does two weeks of rust sound like? Pretty bad, to be honest. Sloppy, uninspired and just not altogether there… and that was just me! I had some trouble adjusting to hearing everything again, and it showed. I’m not too worried though, we always suck ass through a straw the first rehearsal after a long layoff. We should be much more on the ball on Thursday. And if not, well… there’s still most of a mickey of rye in the space. That’ll make us sound better.
Radiohead tickets are $48.75 and $58.75? I’m sorry? That can’t possible include lawns, because $50 for LAWNS is a fucking crime.
Today’s Bitchfork column is ‘post-breakup debacles’, and for talking smack about Mojave 3 and to a lesser extent, Cracker, Chris Ott needs a size-12 Doc Marten up the ass.
np – Wilco / The Complete Singles